And what does EVERY baby (and toddler) need in the pool? Why, a swim diaper, of course...something to catch those little accidents that are bound to happen with your little one. Just for fun, I checked out to check out the price of "Little Swimmers". They are $8.99 for 12 if you are lucky enough to need a small and $8.99 for 10 if you need a large. That's almost a dollar a diaper! They can't be reused, and if your kids are anything like mine, you will be going through at least 2 diapers when you are at the pool. We intend to go swimming a lot, so we would likely go through 8-10 swim diaper changes in a week. To be conservative, I'll say we'll go through 5 a week over a 12 week period (not counting swimming lessons in the fall and spring), I would spend almost $50 this summer on swim diapers.

I have just saved $30 for 12 weeks of summer. (And in reality, I'm probably saving closer to $80 since we swim so often.) Yay, me! And you can save, too. Enter to win an Imse Vimse swim diaper of your choice. And the best news - even if you don't win, you can buy a reusable swim diaper this year and you still come out a winner. Happy swimming!